Thursday, November 17, 2016

Venaz the Bounty Hunters

Venaz is a Skakdi bounty hunter, he was originally a highly reveired skakdi soldier he left the millitary to pursue a career that would pay well, he now is part of the group called "code black". He has been pretty controversial with him working for both the order of mata nui and the brotherhood of makuta, his personality is fairly secretive he's very quiet and often talks in about 2 to 10 word sentences, his weapon is a laser sword/protosteel dagger as well as a purple zamor spere filled with a powerful acid.
"do you have the money sir"- venaz to teridax


  1. Skakdi are my favorite Bionicle species (besides Matoran of course)

    1. yeah i wanna make an entire story line based on code black
