Tuesday, November 22, 2016

his revenge: prolouge

    Born into a family of dark hunters with a single parent his life was tough, his mother died in child -birth, he was part of a set of triplets but he was the only one his father kept, his brother and sister were abandoned to other families, his brother was left at the shrine of the order of mata nui, his sister was left at new po-koro, after his father was killed by his own leader he was taken up as an apprentice but he never felt... whole, he felt as if he had a pit in his soul. This is his story


  1. this will be part of 3 way story their will be 3 stories i pt out that will connect at some point

  2. 1: who's he?
    2: what's new Po-Koro? You keep making new places, characters and Kanohi without previously saying anything about them! Don't assume we already know what they are!

    1. Also you make parts of the story without ever mentioning them, such as Makuta Vira coming from the spirit of Teridax!

    2. new po-koro is what it sounds like a new village of stone, he refers to revenge (the dark hunter), the leader refers to vishka (the shadowed one)

    3. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/132331165/
