Thursday, November 3, 2016


Advisers are a rank of a small breed of toa called protectors, They are usually found around turaga at ceremonies and meetings, they're meant to protect turaga, They're usually very quiet and don't speek unless spoken to, they all appear nearly identical with females being slightly smaller than males as well as females have a no spikes on their foot (the bionicle stars feet). They all wield orange protodermis zamor launcher, they're sable black and gold armor are very expensive to produce at about 20,000 widgets per set so there are only about 2 advisers per village.
"turaga vakama the toa mata have gone missing shall we dispatch a rescue team"- an adviser to vakama (island of beasts)


  1. Just FYI Toa are a type/breed/rank of Matoran

    1. well in my fanon their are 3 breeds of toa, normal toa, dwarf toa, and protectors

    2. Protectors, like the 2015 protector sets that didn't have names for the first half of the year?

    3. yes, but there are multiples of each elements
