Tuesday, December 20, 2016

makuta waeroa

Waeroa is another fragment of teridax's soul, he represents teridax's insanity, he's also the widest of all of the spirit makuta when his wings are fully deployed (they're usually about 50% spread. He's a complete psychopath, he'll lunge down at an opponent and use his claws to rip them apart, his feet are lined with poison barbs which can add more pain to his victim's death, he can bite right through bio-tissue and protosteel.
"as they say too many cooks ruin the broth, too many toa will ruin our fun."- waeroa to the 3 baraqua magna toa teams (mata, kallu, and tuhia)

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Bionicle kallu novel

here's the link to the kallu novel https://www.wattpad.com/story/71319396-bionicle-kallu

Saturday, December 17, 2016

character QnA

Hey guys we are  currently having a character QnA feel free to ask any character any question you want, you can make them as out their as you want or you can ask me any question you want about the extended universe, me and the EU guys are waiting in open arms :D

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

poauau the bounty hunter

Another member if code black Poauau is an idiot, he often squabbles with Thanaz and is the brute of the code black, he is feircely loyal to venaz and will do anything for him. Poauau is mostly black with violet markings that glow with energy. His weapons are a club and duel shoulder mounted cannons, he wears the Kanohi Kneefa mask of spirits.
"But boss Thanaz did it!" Poauau to Venaz