Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Coming back

     It's official Bionicle extended universe in coming back, after a long break, im ready to come back with new mocs and stories, see ya guys in a bit

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Keela the Tyrant

Keela is a  infamous and elusive skakdi tyrant due to one fact, she's a female, like most female skakdi she is ruthless, cruel, and cold in nature, however her beauty and art of seduction also makes her infamous, her armor for the most part is custom made, such as her wings and skirts, when she was younger she was shy and quiet, until she discovered an artifact known as the "dominus enigma" from that point forward she became, power hungry and very controlling eventually taking over an entire island, and claiming it as her own domain.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Pathodinians where created from mutadermis, they where once matoran that where mutated, this caused them to become a new species, pathodinians are incredibly intelligent, they know more about the universe than some elders, however considering that they are incredibly rare and live far beclow the ground so very few know of their existence.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

dark looking glass tahu

"Tahu" that name strikes fear into the hearts of the innocents, he's a fierce warrior brutally murdering anyone he wants, he is able to use pure fire as a sword. One of his arms has rotted away from infection and thus is nothing but bones, he is easily the most loyal soldier of the tyrant mata nui.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Makuta Threx

Threx is another fragment of teridax's soul, he is teridax's rage, he is a complete brute, with literally lava flowing through his body, Threx has worse anger fits than garuma, he rips krata out of himself and rips them in half or bites down on them, along with hurting his teammates, and crushing small rahi under his burning hoof, his weapon is a saw blade on a chain... a chainsaw, he wears the kanohi ralia mask of banishment.
"Let me at'em i'll rip their guts out and paint the walls with their blood"- threx before a battle

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy new years

Happy new years guys, i hope 2017 is better than 2016, i have a lot of things planned for 2017, new characters, new stories, and things will be added to the new "explore" section.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

makuta waeroa

Waeroa is another fragment of teridax's soul, he represents teridax's insanity, he's also the widest of all of the spirit makuta when his wings are fully deployed (they're usually about 50% spread. He's a complete psychopath, he'll lunge down at an opponent and use his claws to rip them apart, his feet are lined with poison barbs which can add more pain to his victim's death, he can bite right through bio-tissue and protosteel.
"as they say too many cooks ruin the broth, too many toa will ruin our fun."- waeroa to the 3 baraqua magna toa teams (mata, kallu, and tuhia)