Demonizers (sometimes called necronizers) are basically life takers if you go to far into kallu nui's corrupted zones they will drag you into the afterlife but before they drag you down they'll cause bio tissue to enter necrosis, demonizers appear as skeletal beings with long thin arms and talons on their feel, they have 4 fingers each one clawed, they also have gruesome skeletal face with rotting tissue.
Friday, November 25, 2016
Makuta Garuma
Garuma is another Makuta created from teridax's spirit, however when teridax reformed garuma didn't fuse with the others. He represents teridax's arrogance, but despite being very arrogant don't underestimate Garuma, is a very aggressive and a merciless opponent, his personality is arrogant and he also has anger issues he often explodes into fits of anger and often destroys anything near him. his weapon is a duel ended drill staff, he wears the kanohi trinak mask of nightmares.
"though you are powerful you are incredibly arrogant, just hope your hubris doesn't get to you" kopaka to garuma
"though you are powerful you are incredibly arrogant, just hope your hubris doesn't get to you" kopaka to garuma
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Taika are panther like rahi they live the earth regions, they are very friendly but can be aggressive (usually around mating season), these rahi are often kept as pets and are the bionicle equivalent to house cats, independent and rather strange when it comes to behavior. On rare occasions they'll be born black oppose to their normal orange.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
his revenge: prolouge
Born into a family of dark hunters with a single parent his life was tough, his mother died in child -birth, he was part of a set of triplets but he was the only one his father kept, his brother and sister were abandoned to other families, his brother was left at the shrine of the order of mata nui, his sister was left at new po-koro, after his father was killed by his own leader he was taken up as an apprentice but he never felt... whole, he felt as if he had a pit in his soul. This is his story
Monday, November 21, 2016
My style of mocing
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My Self MOC |
and sometimes i do it on my own accord, MOCS inspired by fellow MOCers are Maja (inspired by jang), Tango (also inspiered by jang), and the soulless brother (partly inspired by ven), MOCs made on my own accord include Karzahni, tren krom, my rahi mocs, miro, and revenge, Things that I AVOID as much as possible is overly sexual MOCs I believe that a character is not just based on appearance but rather split between appearance and personality, i try to make the characters have a recognizable appearance but also be likable, repeatable, or just strait up evil. Once i have the idea in my head IT'S OFF TO LEGO DIGITAL DESIGNER, and to put my idea into action, i get the model to be as close to my idea as i can. After i finish it I can give them a name, sometimes i use some inspiration from their appearance ( IE vira veers up on her back legs), or i put words into Maori in google translate ( IE miro means spinner in Maori), After that i think a description of their personality and gender, then it's on to the website. So yeah that's my MOCing process i hope you guys take inspiration from this for designing your own MOCs.
Miro is an order of mata nui member that is a member part of toka nuvi defense squad, he is the muscle of the squad, his personality is over-confident, friendly, and playful. His weapons are 2 spinning blades and a blue protodermis zamor launcher,obviously he has the kanohi nakon mas of coating.
"come at me punk"- miro to a brain scorpian
"come at me punk"- miro to a brain scorpian
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Venaz the Bounty Hunters
Venaz is a Skakdi bounty hunter, he was originally a highly reveired skakdi soldier he left the millitary to pursue a career that would pay well, he now is part of the group called "code black". He has been pretty controversial with him working for both the order of mata nui and the brotherhood of makuta, his personality is fairly secretive he's very quiet and often talks in about 2 to 10 word sentences, his weapon is a laser sword/protosteel dagger as well as a purple zamor spere filled with a powerful acid.
"do you have the money sir"- venaz to teridax
"do you have the money sir"- venaz to teridax
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Makuta Vira
Vira is a female makuta, being one of the makuta born of part of teridax's spirit (she is his somewhat feminine side), she has a similar appearance to makuta vampra with her being semi-quadruped , i say semi because she can veer up on her hind legs to attack (notice the piraka feet). The armor on her arms is actually partly organic the claws are natural claws and the section between the 2 curved spikes at the top of each armor plate is fleshy tissue. She wears the kanohi thrazz mask of ripping.
"I don't know what you're talking about Tahu, you should recognize me."- Vira to Toa Tahu
"I don't know what you're talking about Tahu, you should recognize me."- Vira to Toa Tahu
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Vira on her back legs |
Friday, November 11, 2016
Kanohi Misa
The kanohi misa is the mask of atomic division, it allows the user to literally RIP THEIR OPPONENT APART ATOM BY ATOM, it can also manipulate the amount of protons,neutrons, and electrons allowing the were to turn an opponent into another element weather it be mercury lithium bromine your choice...well unless your the one getting effected. The mask's appearance is a mask with openings that expose most of the wearers face, the mask also has a slicked back crest with 3 ventilation gaps on the top of the mask along with a communication mic on the right side of the mask (as most modern kanohi do), and 2 hinges on the the sides to lift up and down the mouth cover.
Revenge is Vishka's apprentice for being the next leader of the dark hunters, he has claws that are about 1 foot in length. Currently Revenge is an assassin, his species is unknown, Vishka believes that revenge would make a great replacement for him, as you can see he has the kanohi misa.
"i can tell that you will be my successor, you will be our... REVENGE"-vishka to revenge when accepting him as his apprentice
"i can tell that you will be my successor, you will be our... REVENGE"-vishka to revenge when accepting him as his apprentice
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Maja is a dwarf toa, he is much smaller that other toa, the order of mata nui member is part of the rahi nui recon team for protecting endangered species of rahi. He is a le-toa that doesn't talk in chute speak he is very friendly and very calm, he wields a blue paralysis zamor sphere launcher, his mask is the kanohi frezta mask of echos along with a visor.
" sorry about that didn't realize you have a brain smaller than protodite"-maja to a fellow order member after he did something dumb
" sorry about that didn't realize you have a brain smaller than protodite"-maja to a fellow order member after he did something dumb
Even though in the main universe Karzahni is dead he does have some relevance to the EU, in the EU he was a former dark hunter that betrayed vishka and was then banished a realm that was named after him. The Karzahni Realm is basically the bionicle equivalent to hell matoran are tortured, dismantled, and turned into Karzahni's slaves.Eventually Toa Gali destroyed Karzahni's realm and later Karzahni himself got to get a taste of his own medicine and was dismantled by the Toa Kallu to be. Before being dismantled though he was trapped in the pit of mahri nui and battled with the toa mahri before being led back to his own realm were his torture began, Karzahni wears the kanohi olisi mask of alternate futures.
Saturday, November 5, 2016
A quick update
sorry about lack of heroes this and the fact that this blog i currently made up of mostly villians and rahi but i will post more heroes soon- kind regards Burney_Games
Tren Krom
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Tren Krom's humanoid form |
"Tren Krom is a being who can induce fear and insanity he can only be beat by the those of the highest courage" Mata Nui to tahu
Friday, November 4, 2016
Neefo Jaga
Neefo Jaga are cousins to the nui jaga and kofu jaga, this rahi has 3 claws 2 on it's arms and 1 on it's tail. As you can see this creature has a lot of legs, 14 to be exact, as you can also tell these scorpions have very small heads with baby blue bio-luminescent eyes that are meant to attract prey. You shouldn't mess with these scorpions because all 3 claws are very venomous despite their size (at about 3 inches).
Tango Toa of jungle
Tango is a toa of jungle he is the predecessor to toa conga (not kongu) as you can tell toa of jungle are named after difference dances. Toa of jungle are basically hippies they enjoy embracing with nature and are very laid back (most of the time). Tango is very out their he's optimistic and hyper (kinda like another green *cough cough* lewa) and like le-matoran toa of jungle talk in chute speak. Tango has ripper claws and like all toa of jungle he is dark green and silver, as you can tell he wears a kanohi akaku max of x-ray vision.
"hello friend-buddies i am tango i will be your guide-host for this evening" tango to the toa tuhia
"hello friend-buddies i am tango i will be your guide-host for this evening" tango to the toa tuhia
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Advisers are a rank of a small breed of toa called protectors, They are usually found around turaga at ceremonies and meetings, they're meant to protect turaga, They're usually very quiet and don't speek unless spoken to, they all appear nearly identical with females being slightly smaller than males as well as females have a no spikes on their foot (the bionicle stars feet). They all wield orange protodermis zamor launcher, they're sable black and gold armor are very expensive to produce at about 20,000 widgets per set so there are only about 2 advisers per village.
"turaga vakama the toa mata have gone missing shall we dispatch a rescue team"- an adviser to vakama (island of beasts)
"turaga vakama the toa mata have gone missing shall we dispatch a rescue team"- an adviser to vakama (island of beasts)
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Greater Fikou
The larger cousin to the lesser fikou (as seen in year 1 of bionicle gen 1) the pic in this post is a female, males lack talons and have mandibles appose to the fully developed jaws of females, the species is about a foot in length and are omnivorous unlike the vegetarian diet of the lesser fikou.
Vishka The Shadowed One
Not much is known about Vishka also known as the shadowed one. Vishka is the last of his species and despite the species being asexual (meaning both males and females can reproduce) he can because he has no one else to impregnate or get impregnated by. He wears no mask (even though it looks like it) and he the founder and current leader of the dark hunters, his weapons are a staff and blade with a disarming hook on it.
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better shot of vishka's front |
Kifa Toa of Iron
A Toa mercenary alighted with the brotherhood of makuta he loves to see the suffering of others, previously aligned to himself he was hired by Teridax to help with breaking apart the order of mata nui. He is heavily armored and has a 100% weaponized lower right arm leaving him with one hand, his lower arm is a duel high-pressured zamor cannon, he wears the kanohi nakon mask of coating.
"shall i exicute my plan lord Teridax"-Kifa to Teridax
"shall i exicute my plan lord Teridax"-Kifa to Teridax
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